Thursday, January 21, 2010

The One About My Week

This week I've been very productive...

I went to the grocery store which resulted in a huge amount of stuff to carry up my apartment steps, and some very delicious gumbo. See? I really did make it. It was pretty delicious if I do say so myself. A few of my friends came over to partake and I still have leftovers. I think it would be equally delicious with shrimp too, but you might need to add that later in the cooking process.

Also, a girl who works with my mom offered us FREE tickets to the circus, so that's a good $13 I didn't have to spend on seeing the elephants. Wow, $13 is almost $15, which is how much I spent on this guy. Coincidence?

This weekend my to-do list is already growing.

I have frames that I found on clearance at Target for this project. They were $8.50 and my roommate is going to go grab some fun fabric. The frames are very very simple, and a dark wood color. I've been contemplating how much I want them to be silver - a little spray paint might be in order.

I'm also signing up at the YMCA this weekend, and I'm going to start my exercising resolution. I don't want to hear about how it's almost February. I know. I figure as long as I get it down pat before bathing suit season rolls around I'm good to go. By the way...bathing suits are already out at Target. PUT THEM BACK.

I'm also going to try to cook something else in the crock-pot. I want to try something a little less soup-like, so I'm thinking one of these. Any votes?

Beer Beef Fajitas sound delicious. Slow Cooked Potatoes with Butter and Thyme which would be yummy with a piece of grilled chicken. I have frozen chicken breasts in my freezer, so it would be nice to eat one of those this weekend. I could also do dessert, which would be pretty interesting. Slow Cooked Winter Bread Pudding with Dried Pears. Or I could try a simple chicken dish that might result in leftovers. I LOVE leftovers. Garlic-Rosemary Chicken Breast, Spicy Shredded Beef, Pulled Pork Tacos, and Sweet-n-Sour Turkey Meatballs all sound good too.

What are y'alls thoughts?

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