Recently I have been drawn to all things gold, and chunky with the potential to be wrapped around my finger. I really love the natural look of ring lately - not quite smooth, not quick perfect. Aren't these all just gorgeous? Chunk neutrals, bright colors, pretty bands just waiting to be stacked on top of each other...does anyone have good ideas for similar, inexpensive pieces?
And speaking of rings...this weekend I'll be watching the THREE ring circus downtown. (haha, aren't I funny?) A few very good friends and I are going to watch clowns ride in small cars and trapeze artists fly in the air and 7-year-olds eat too much candy on Saturday and I CANNOT WAIT.
Tonight we're planning a trip downtown to Rogue Tavern for a concert benefiting Haiti relief, and tomorrow I'm having lunch with one of my very favorite people from TCU (which might have a bit to do with the fact that he's the person who decided to live in Alabama, but not much) and his puppy, Paisley. Then we'll both head to the circus for $25 light sabers and glow sticks. WOOO HOOO. I'm just hoping that they're going to have a really fabulous, bedazzled Ringmaster hat. Ringling? Can you hear me?
I'm going to be attempted to make daily trips to the "Y" this weekend - for exercise, and to try out a few of their classes. It's so difficult to make it to the 6:00ish classes after work (although EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER manages to do it), so I've just been running or cycling this week. This weekend is my opportunity! Oh the excitement...
My other goal? Stay toasty warm. It's looking like a nice little layer of nasty sleet is going to rain down on us tonight and tomorrow so I've broken out the down Northface and I plan on trading out my work clothes for Uggs, long sleeve t-shirts, heavy socks and sweatshirts.
Oh...and read some. I've got a lot to do. The first book I tried, Miss O'Dell, has been SO great. It's probably not (and by probably I mean absolutely, definitely not) the most well written book I've ever read - but it's definitely entertaining, and she has tons of interesting stories! So, hopefully I'll have some good lounging around time to fit into my weekend.
What are y'all up to?
6 years ago
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