If you have not been watching So You Think You Can Dance in the last 4 season then I'm not sure I really want to be friends with you anymore. These people are RIDICULOUS. So - without further ado ( is that how you spell that?).....the top 20 from season 5.
So, last night was the first night where the dancers were paired up and actually had to do a dance rather than their solos a million times. First and foremost, I'm not sure I really think these are all even choices. The people who get to do hip hop get it easier than the people who have to do ballroom or bollywood (with the exception of the ballroom dude who got to do ballroom last night with his former ballroom instructor as the choreographer, but that's another issue). BUT all of the people are freaking unbelievable and I'm sure will all be doing something amazing in the next few weeks. Now, because I am an expert I'm going to give you my expert opinion (and my favorites - which you should not take to mean that I think these people will win, just that I like them a lot).
Top 3 Girls
First, Randi Evans. Her hair was curly last night which I like, and she was AMAZING. I think part of the reason I love her so much is that the choreography was so fabulous, but I also think she's awesome. She got really freaked out about dancing up on her partner because she's MARRIED (at 23) but that's ok - she got over it.
Then there is Melissa Sandvig who is the oldest! She joked last night about being a grandma at 29, and she literally blew everyone else out of the water. She's a for real life ballerina which is cool (i.e. for her solo she actually work a FOR REAL tutu, circa Sam's birthday party II) and she can balance on the tips of her toes, which MUST hurt.
And last but not least - Caitlin Kinney who did the Bollywood routine last night. Her sister went home in Vegas, so obviously - both super talented. She's super tall (which I am not) and she and her sister look completely opposite. I just like that she's a rock star and seem genuinely surprised to be there (unlike some people...)
I feel like the girls are better this year. Last night I really didn't notice any of the guys other than the fact that they were lifting the girls a lot. That's not to say they aren't good, that just means that I really know very little about dancing and can't appreciate how hard it would be to push a girl up into the air, over your head, without dropping here and breaking her face. So...even if I'm not as excited about these guys SO FAR, I'm sure they're only going to get better and better. Based on last night's performaces (and mostly however much face time they got over the period of the auditions) here are the guys....
Top 3 Guys
Phillip Chbeeb has an amazing name. Chbeeb. Like Moe's - if you aren't having fun saying guacamole, you aren't saying it right. I loved him last year, I love him this year. If you've seen this guy there isn't any more to be said. He came in with a girl (who didn't make it) and was her partner for contemporary and he could do THAT.
At the end of Vegas the judges brought two brothers in and ONE of them got to the Top 20, Evan Kasprzak. How cruel is THAT? I like his brother too, they do Broadway, and were such good sports! He was great last night but mostly the is fact that the judges were mean to these guys just for the ratings. BOO YOU judges (and producers).
And CERTAINLY not least is, Jonathan Platero who I just generally rocked it last night (for the boys). I think this guy might have been able to take over his spot - the foxtrot was awesome, but he was a LOT of muscle. Jonathan's cute too, even if he is pulling his suspenders. Surely the photographer made him do it!
6 years ago
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